16 October 2014

The Seven Deadly Sins Tag!

Firstly I want to thank Olivia over at Olivia's Catastrophe for tagging me! 
I think this tag is very fitting considering Halloween is almost here so good timing haha :) All you have to do is answer the questions... So, let's get started:

1.) Greed: What is the most expensive book in your library, and what is the most inexpensive?

The most expensive book I own is my Grimm's book of Fairytales! It's a beautiful hardback and cost £25! :O However it was a gift so I didn't have to pay for it...
(I have a blog post about this book, which you can view here)
The cheapest book I own is a really old copy of Oliver Twist which I got from an antique store for £1.75!  I wish books were still that cheap :'(

2.) Wrath: Which author do you have a love/hate relationship with?

That's easy: Ellen Hopkins, I have read a few of her books (The review for Identical is also on my blog) and I love her themes and writing style, but it can take me a while to get into her books. And sometimes verse writing gets on my nerves... but her books are definitely worth the read if you're into that sort of genre!

3.) Gluttony: What book have you deliciously devoured over and over again, with no remorse whatsoever?

The Book Thief. I have read this book twice now and it is still amazing! I swear every single time I read it the book just gets better and better and I notice more things I didn't notice the first time around! The quotes in that book are also amazing, so relatable<3 (I seem to have done a book review on half of the books I'm mentioning here... If you're interested you can check it out haha)

4.) Sloth: What book have you neglected reading due to laziness? 

I started reading Gulliver's Travels a while back but I got bored and put it down. I will probably come back to reading it in the future because it's a classic novel that I really want to read but it just didn't have any speech in it and wasn't the sort of genre I like reading anyway so I gave up...

5.) Pride: What book do you most talk about in order to sound like a very intellectual reader?

I've read quite a lot of classic novels like Pride and Prejudice and Dracula etc so I like to talk about those as the language can be quite difficult:)

6.) Lust: What attributes do you find most attractive in male or female characters?

Anyone that makes me laugh is straight away attractive. I love male characters that are good looking, intelligent and adventurous but also a little bit protective of the female character...

7.) Envy: What books would you most like to receive as a gift?

There's a collection of similar books to the Grimm's fairytales book I own which are absolutely gorgeous and probably very expensive... The main one I want is Edgar Allan Poe's complete poems and stories but there are loads of them that I want! I want to build up a collection and they're just beautiful omg look at this:
Here is an example of the Alice and Wonderland version!

They all have shiny pages and covers and they're hardbacks and I want them all but no money... hint hint!

Here are the lovely people I will be tagging:

Mallory @ Mallory Books
Belle and Cassie @ Fangirling Misses


  1. I am soooooo with you on number 7, they're so beautiful. I'm adding these to my amazon wishlist as we speak! You have mentioned quite a few classics, and I wish I could get into them! I tried reading Pride & Prejudice and I literally put the book down at the exact same spot, each and everytime. I think with some classics it's hard for me to get into the language and tone of the story, but I def want to start reading them more. I didn't know anyone else was going to tag me, so I already posted mine last night, I guess it worked out lol

    1. Those books are so beautiful, I want the entire collection!
      I agree with you. Some classics I just can't get into so I tend to chose classics that involve a genre I like so at least, if the language is hard, the story line is still good :) When I was reading Pride and Prejudice, there were certain parts I struggled but I really wanted to read it so I just persevered and it got so much better; the ending was so cute! There are some more modern classics you could read that don't have such sophisticated language...
      I hadn't realised you'd posted yours but yeah, we can just pretend you did it today ;)

  2. Ah, you seem like someone who really likes to have some hardcovers of her favourites and keep them in the bag. To receive Alice in Wonderland must be lovely! And yes, I think talking about classics can make you sound very intellectual! I like your answers :)


    1. Yes, I love pretty books and even if I've already read them, I just love how they look on my shelf! :)
      I think it's because not many people have read classic novels so if you're one of the few that have, you and to stand out more... that's what they tell us at college anyway... Thanks!

  3. Your answers were fun. The Alice in Wonderland cover is absolutly gorgeous! If I had it at home, I wouldn't allow anyone to touch it, lol. I'm with you for number 5. Whenever, I want to sound intelligent, I talk about classics, xd.

    1. Thank you :) There are so many beautiful covers and I'm so proud to say I even have one! I love the cover for their Shakespear collection and they have a Hans Christian Anderson complete fairytales book which I'm desperate for... I'm adding these to christmas and birthday lists because I'm too poor to buy them for myself ;)

  4. You have some great answers! :) I love the Alice in Wonderland cover! I actually have a copy of Alice in Wonderland Through the Looking Glass. But it's so old that I can't even read it, which of course, sucks.

    1. Thanks! I love old books but when they're so old you can't read them is sort of an issue ;) I haven't read Through The Looking Glass yet... Uhh my TBR list isn't getting any shorter *cries*

  5. Yesss the Book Thief !!
    Haha, i'm with you on the attractive thing! I love guys that make me laugh :D
    btw.. OMG that cover of Alice is beautiful o.o I want itt *grabby hands*

    1. Hahaa I'm surprised at how many people haven't read The Book Thief! Why isn't it more popular?! :O
      I KNOW OMG and that's only two of the covers in the series! <3 I just want their entire collection of novels with their pretty covers gahhh I think they sell them in Waterstones...

  6. Great answers :) I'm ashamed to say I haven't read The Book Thief... YET! I also did this tag: http://enchantedbyya.blogspot.co.uk/2014/10/seven-deadly-sins-book-tag.html

    1. Thanks! Well it better be at the top of your TBR list ;)
      I'm checking out your answers now

  7. Why am I suddenly remembering this now? OMG I'm soooo jelly you have an Edgar Allan Poe book and the fact that it's HARDCOVER! Will do this now soon omg


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