
21 June 2017

My Dream Bookish Panel

Hey everyone! Today I’m going to be posting something a little different. Eventbrite inspired me to share what my ideal panel of authors would be!

This creative task invites us to think about which authors we would love to meet and why. What kind of things we’d discuss with them and what we could learn. I really enjoyed creating this and invite everyone else to take part in planning their own dream author panel! Big thanks to Eventbrite for giving me this opportunity! If you’re looking for a resource plan or to find conferences in your local area check out their conference management page!
Anyway, onto my panel:

Reading was a huge part of my childhood so I’d love to meet some of the authors that sparked my love of reading and writing, not only to thank them for writing their books that connected with me but also to see what sparked their ideas.

JK.Rowling is the no.1 most important author I would like on my panel. She's a huge inspiration to me and someone I've always looked up to. The Harry Potter books were insane to read as a child and when I read them again last summer were still as perfect as I remembered. They have encouraged so many conversations, movie marathons and trips to the wizarding world (harry potter studios) where I’ve met some of my closest friends.

This is one of the first genres that I could never put down. It helped me to escape into other worlds that were far more interesting than my own! It has always amazed me how someone can create an entirely new world just from their mind! whether these places were full of wizards and witches, vampires or dragons, they helped me and I will forever be thankful! I couldn’t just have one author for this section as there are so many so I’ve narrowed it down to 3!

George R.R.Martin is someone I would love to question about the game of thrones books. I’m obsessed with the series and would love to know the thoughts behind it.
Tolkien is another author that, like J.K.Rowling, I have loved. I’ve been a huge fan of the LOTR series, watching the films constantly as a child.
Neil Gaiman is a more recent author I’ve found a huge love for and would love to ask him questions about not only his completely creepy novels like Coraline (review coming soon!) but those that follow more magical realism genre. I love the creativity and his writing style, along with the similarities he shares with Tim Burton!

As I’ve gotten older, this has become one of my most read genres! I love the mystery behind these stories as well as the creativity they hold. Like fantasy, making up a new world interesting to me and I’d love to find out more!

Susanne Collins/ Veronica Roth – despite the similarities in their novels, I would love to talk to these YA authors abut their novels and how they became so successful. This is more for practicality as I want to publish my own dystopian novel and would take their tips to heart.
Because he didn’t fit in another category, I’ll add John green here as a YA author I would love to meet. I’m obsessed with the crash course videos on youtube and the nerdfighter community! He’s very intellectual and funny and I think a conversation with him would be a great laugh!

I love poetry and have written a lot of it in the past. I love the raw emotions you can convey and the ambiguity it holds as sometimes only you know what it means, yet others have their own opinion.

Sylvia Plath is someone I love and connect with on so many levels. Her poems of heartbreak, mental illness and joy are something I always find myself coming back to as there is a poem for every emotion.
Lastly but by no means least, E.E Cummings is someone so creative and unique in his work! He really inspired my love for poetry and I’d just love to speak to someone from the past!

I’d love to hear which author would be on your dream panel and why! Which fictional characters would you love to meet?
Leave me a comment below and if you complete the tag I full, please send me the link; I’d love to read! Thanks for reading <3

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